A simple and sustainable way to give regularly and do business for good.
What are Global Projects?
Global Projects are a special category of B1G1 projects that help you make an even greater impact in our world. What sets them apart from our ‘regular’ projects is that the Global Projects are not tied to any specific country or Worthy Cause. Instead, when you give towards a Global Project, you are committing to make that impact anywhere in the world. For example, when you give towards the project to ‘Plant a Tree in the World’, your giving could go towards any of the projects that plant trees.
B1G1 Global Project Business For Good Childrens Education
Global Projects allow you to achieve three important things: simplicity, sustainability, and stability.
B1G1 Global Projects make it easier and simpler for you to choose a project with a specific outcome.

For example, let’s say, you want to plant a tree. There are many projects in B1G1 that plant trees so instead of trying to choose one project from many options, you can pick the Global Project ‘Plant a Tree in the World’ and let us maximize the impact of giving by distributing the funds to multiple projects in different countries.
Giving to the Global Projects makes your giving more sustainable.

Often in B1G1, the lowest cost project among similar projects tends to receive greater support. However, the cost per impact does not equate to the importance of the impact. We want to ensure that every B1G1 project receives support in a more balanced way. In fact, we often encourage businesses to consider projects that cost more because they generally receive less support, even though they are doing incredible work. The Global Projects help us ensure all projects are funded sustainably. 
Your giving to Global Projects is specifically designed to create stability

Individual projects may experience change at times - the cost of projects may alter or certain project activities may even be paused when enough funds are raised.  B1G1 only lists projects with at least a 3 year track-record and a long-term focus. However, some changes are unavoidable. It’s important for projects to evolve too! 

Understandably, these changes may affect your plan if you are giving to specific projects and frequently communicating your giving activities to others.

Giving to Global Projects insulates you from the effects of changes because you are not just giving to one specific project. This way, your Giving Stories become more stable.
B1G1 Global project to supply clean drinking water
How do Global Projects work?
When you give to a Global Project, that amount is added together with all the givings made by other Business for Good Members to the same Global Project. At the end of the month, the total amount is divided equally amongst all the individual eligible projects. In this way, we ensure that all projects that need funding are receiving the support they need.
How does this benefit me?
When you create a Giving Story, you are required to choose one project to link to your chosen business activity. However, there is always the chance, no matter how small, that your chosen project may be delisted (*there can be many reasons for this which we cover here). Because the Global Project spreads the giving out amongst a number of individual projects, there is never the risk that the Global Project will be delisted or unable to take on more funding.  

You can now also make a difference in multiple different countries with just one Global Project.
B1G1 Global Project planting trees charity

current global projects

Here are some current Global Projects and what's inside each one.
Supply Clean Water Global ProjectSupply Quality Education Global Project B1G1Plant A Tree Global Project B1G1
Clean water and sanitation are basic humans needs, however up to 29% of the world population still lack access to basic drinking water. With better infrastructure and facilities, we can put proper water-related ecosystems into place. Your support provides clean drinking water to communities throughout the world that are water scarce, providing access to a basic human right.
Trees clean the air we breathe and serve as an important carbon sink for our emissions. A fully grown tree can absorb up to 21kg of carbon dioxide per year. Your support through this project plants tree saplings throughout the world which will eventually become fully-grown at a success rate of up to 85%, and in some cases also provide income for the local community.
Providing Safe Shelter Global Project by B1G1 Providing Health Care Global Project B1G1Give A Meal Global Project Feeding the Starving B1G1
The right to housing is recognised in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and yet over 20% of the world population (1.6 billion people) still have inadequate access to housing. Your support to this project will go towards providing shelter to the many people in need across the world.
“Health is a fundamental human right indispensable for the exercise of other human rights. Every human being is entitled to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health conducive to living a life in dignity.” Your support to this project will go towards providing healthcare for the many in our societies who lack access to this basic human right.
Take a short questionnaire to explore which projects are suitable for you and the infinite possibilities of embedding giving powerfully within your business.

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Have any global projects in mind? Let us know at