Sustainable Development Goals

See how you can integrate impactful social contributions to your everyday business activities.

What Are the SDGs?

On 25 September 2015, world leaders from all sectors convened to adopt the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They represent the global community’s next step in ending poverty, fighting inequality and injustice, and tackling climate change for the next 15 years. Here at B1G1, we feel motivated by these collective indicators too. There is now a greater call for businesses to take much-needed actions.

B1G1's Response

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals have provided us with a fresh way of looking at our projects. Each of the 400+ projects listed on B1G1 contributes to one or more SDGs. This categorization method allows you to discover causes that are close to your heart in the global context. Not only that, you can display the impacts you created based on the SDGs too. That way, you can see exactly how your giving is contributing to the goals embraced by businesses and organizations around the world.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Widgets

B1G1 categorizes every giving and impact created using the Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals represent the global community’s next step in ending poverty, fighting inequality and injustice, and tackling climate change by 2030. You can choose the Goals that resonate most with your business and embed them on your own website. And every time you give through B1G1, the impacts you create towards each SDG are automatically counted and updated live on your SDG widget, just like the impact counter widget.
B1G1 Sustainable Development Goals Widgets to Display on your website

How the SDG Widgets Work

There are 3 ways to proudly display your impacts for your favourite Sustainable Development Goals with the big, colourful icons. Or show your business’ full impact breakdown with the small icons. And if you already mention your contribution to the Goals on your website in a compelling manner, simply use the scrolling impact numbers to add that ‘wow’ factor.

Our Impacts on the Global Goals

Each project listed on B1G1 contributes to one or more SDGs. Below, you can see the impacts B1G1 Members collectively created and the number of projects we have in each SDG.
No Poverty widget for the sustainable development goals
344 projects
7,676,333 impacts
Zero Hunger Widget sustainable development goals
165 projects
22,564,193 impacts
Good Health and WellBeing Widget for sustainable development goals
475 projects
57,299,518 impacts
sustainable development goals providing quality education
499 projects
18,912,355 impacts
sustainable development goals for gender equality
99 projects
2,824,458 impacts
contribute to sustainable development goals by providing clean water and sanitiation
93 projects
176,896,031 impacts
sustainable development goals access to affordable and clean energy
29 projects
1,250,962 impacts
SDG Decent work and economic growth widget
133 projects
2,863,180 impacts
Industry Innocation and infrastructure SDG Widget
72 projects
6,903,007 impacts
reducded inequality widget for your website SDG
559 projects
24,344,248 impacts
sustainable cities and communites widget for your companies SDG
88 projects
43,779,546 impacts
sustainable development goals responsible consumption and production widget
26 projects
401,536 impacts
SDG for climate action widget to display on website
90 projects
1,076,045 impacts
Marine Life sustainable development goals widget
15 projects
13,781 impacts
life on land widget for SDG goals
122 projects
8,575,626 impacts
sustainable development goals widget for peace justice and strong institutions
71 projects
935,340 impacts
Partnership for the sustainable development goals
10 projects
74,073 impacts
sustainable development goals logo

Do you know great projects and causes? You can recommend them to B1G1.

Explore how you can support the SDGs

Take a short questionnaire to explore infinite possibilities of embedding giving powerfully within your business.

If you'd like to start now, get a Giving Plan from us and we'll give you some tailored tips on how to get started.
SDG Giving Plan from B1G1

SDG Project Search

You can sort and view B1G1 projects according to their SDG classification by using the Advanced Search filter on the B1G1 project list. Give it a go!
SEE THE projects
List of SDG Projects from B1G1

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Girl smiling with food supplied by sustainable development goals

See How It Works

Curious to see how you can give through B1G1?
Take a look at the B1G1 Model here.
Man receieving education from SDG Giving Plan

Get your Giving Plan

Respond to a few questions to explore infinite possibilities of embedding giving powerfully within your business.