Experience the real impact on the lives and communities around the world. Be a part of a life-changing trip in your giving journey.
A JOURNEY of A lifetime
A B1G1 Study Tour is a learning trip designed for actively contributing B1G1 Businesses, their team members and family members to collectively learn, to connect, to engage with people on the ground. When you experience even just one of these tours, you really understand the impact of your giving.
These tours are carefully planned to ensure meaningful learning in sensitive ways to honour the people in various communities and held biennially so our members can learn from different experiences. Learn about some of the past tours below.
upcoming study tour
cambodia 2024
Date: Jan 7 - 12, 2024
This tour to the Kingdom of Cambodia truly changes lives... yours and thousands of others too. Cambodia's resilient spirit, evident in the smiles of its people, leaves a lasting impression on all who venture here.
From the awe-inspiring temples of Angkor Wat to the bustling streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia offers a diverse range of experiences and enchants visitors with its rich history, ancient temples, and warm hospitality.
They say “when you get out of your comfort zone, you learn much more.” The recent B1G1 Study Tour to Kenya included no shortage of learning. What made it possible was simply this: everyone on the tour got out of their own comfort zones.
This is what a B1G1 Member who spent 10 life-changing days in Kenya with other like-minded people said at the end of the trip: “What I really understand now is that it’s not about impacts. It’s about realising that each one of those impacts is a smile. And on this tour, we have seen smile after smile after smile. And the quality of those smiles, the quality of the impacts, the quality of the projects and the connections — it's mind-blowing.”
No one approach can solve all the problems or change everything. But all the efforts made with good intentions add up to create longer-term, more balanced and sustainable outcomes. As one participant puts it, ”seeing and experiencing so many ways of making a difference was overwhelming.” It truly is a tour that changes lives, yours and mine too.
When we think of India, one word comes up – contrast. Everything from being immersed in a slum of 40,000 people to the solemnity of the Gandhi Museum and so much more in between. We saw some amazing impacts in these 6 days. As we left the tour, each one of us could share all of this with another 10 business owners.
The Study Tour is a unique opportunity for B1G1 members to engage with the projects and see the impacts on the ground.
Learn about the next Study tour happening and get your tickets.
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